Market research

Whether to inform a strategy, article, opinion piece or white papers…. All these activities require GDPR-compliant research into a trend or topic to influence your industry from appropriate witness groups.

Suitable for

  • Thought leadership marketing activities in business to business sectors such as Employee benefits; Legal services; Learning and development; Contact centres; Accountancy; IT; Mobile telephony in business.
  • Identifying baseline data ahead of the launch of a new product or service.
  • Informing a major business decisions.
  • Evidencing award submissions.

The output of this service

  • A draft framework of the report and detailed executive summary of findings BEFORE the research has begun (starting with the end in mind).
  • Written content for any survey (whether digital or verbal).
  • A written report of findings (typically using the pre-agreed framework and executive summary).
  • A graphic-designed final document.

The service components

  • Design and implement research activities with business or consumer audiences to generate innovative and thought-provoking insights (and sales leads).
  • Run panel survey campaigns that will achieve high participation rates in your research (you can pay per response).
  • Analyse the findings from your research, often identifying attention-grabbing insights by diving deep into the data and comparing the views of different stakeholders.
  • Develop graphically-rich and engaging reports and white papers that can be used to support every possible communications channel, whether social media, PR, events, sales pitches, email marketing or online, etc.
  • Present your results to stakeholders.

We wanted to change opinions in our marketplace. Not easy when dealing with IT directors! Boost used a cunning and award-winning peer-to-peer surveying exercise to do exactly this. It was amazing. Whereas previous agencies just came up with spurious statistics, Boost created compelling peer-to-peer evidence that proved a point to a sceptical marketplace, and helped us generate hundreds of leads and substantial ROI off the back of it.

Head of Marketing, Azzurri

See also